Hi everyone,
I’m scheduled to play my first round singles match tomorrow (Tuesday 15 Oct) at the Sydney ATP F10 Futures event here at Homebush, Sydney Olympic Park. I’m playing doubles today.
Here is the singles draw : http://www.atpworldtour.com/posting/2013/3390/mds.pdf
Here is the livescores so you can all follow the scores as they are played http://scores.itftennis.com/?alias=itf&layoutid=72&versionid=1&language=en&country=AUS
Also you can click here for the Order of Play for the day http://www.atpworldtour.com/posting/2013/3390/op.pdf
All the latest news can be found here http://acelandtennis.com.au/author/marc/ thanks to Mark McGowan, Sports Journalist with ACELAND Tennis who has been reporting live from the Tournament. Thanks Mark
Cheers Blake 🙂